New and expectant mothers

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Risk Management for New and Expectant Mothers in the Workplace

Ensuring the safety of workers of childbearing age, especially new and expectant mothers, is a crucial aspect of workplace risk assessments.

Assessing Risks for Childbearing-Age Workers

Workplace risk assessments must:

  • Identify and control risks specifically for workers of childbearing age.
  • Pay particular attention to exposure to chemical or biological agents.

Reviewing Risk Assessments for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Employees

Upon notification of an employee's pregnancy, breastfeeding, or recent childbirth:

  • Review workplace risk assessments for new risks.
  • Implement measures to control any identified risks.

Adapting Work Conditions for New or Expectant Mothers

If risk elimination is not feasible:

  • Consider offering alternative duties.
  • Adjust working conditions or hours.
  • If adjustments are not possible, provide paid leave to protect the health of the worker and their child.

Legal Requirements for Separate Risk Assessments

While not legally mandated, conducting a separate risk assessment for pregnant employees is recommended to ensure their safety.


Employers have a responsibility to safeguard the health and safety of all workers, particularly new and expectant mothers, by conducting thorough risk assessments and making necessary adaptations to the workplace.