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Individual Considerations in Risk Assessment (TILE)

1. The 'I' in TILE - Understanding Individual Factors

Assessing the Importance of Individual Attributes

Exploring how the individual's characteristics influence risk assessment:

2. Special Training and Attributes

Evaluating the Need for Specialized Training and Attributes

Determining if the task requires unique skills, strength, or attributes, such as:

  • **Special Training:** Assessing if specific training is essential for the task.
  • **Physical Attributes:** Identifying the necessity for unusual strength or height.
  • **Complex Information:** Evaluating tasks involving intricate information handling.

3. Health and Medical Conditions

Considering Health and Pre-existing Medical Conditions

Addressing the impact of health and medical conditions on task performance:

  • **Pregnancy and Recent Birth:** Recognizing potential risks to pregnant or postpartum individuals.
  • **Pre-existing Medical Conditions:** Evaluating how specific medical conditions may affect the task.
  • **Physical and Learning Difficulties:** Assessing challenges arising from physical or learning impairments.

4. Training and Task Understanding

Ensuring Adequate Training and Task Comprehension

Emphasizing the importance of comprehensive task explanation and training:

  • **Task Explanation:** Clearly detailing task requirements and expectations for the employee.
  • **Supervision and Monitoring:** Regularly overseeing the individual's task performance.
  • **Notification of Capacity Changes:** Encouraging employees to report any changes in their ability to handle tasks.

5. Pregnancy and Protective Measures

Protecting Pregnant Employees

Establishing workplace procedures to safeguard pregnant individuals:

  • **Harm Prevention:** Implementing measures to protect pregnant employees from harm or injury.

6. Pressure and Deadline Management

Preventing Under Pressure Actions

Ensuring employees are not pressured to compromise safety due to excessive work rates:

  • **Achievable Deadlines:** Setting realistic deadlines that consider safety measures.

7. Provision of Equipment and Training

Supplying Equipment, Clothing, and Training

Highlighting the employer's responsibilities for providing necessary resources:

  • **Protective Equipment:** Furnishing suitable protective equipment and clothing for the task.
  • **Training:** Offering adequate training to employees to perform tasks safely.